Sunday, October 23, 2011


This week I was able to add a Jotform to my website. So visitors and members my rate my site and sign up for a pretty cool newsletter. I will be calling this  Newsletter The Jivey Daily News Letter... The Email Edition.. Pretty cool name don't you think? I had to offer a raffle to get people to come visit my website, this is how bad my site is I have to pay visitors to come. I have been paying to much time in the political arena to worry about my site camping out in Boston for the Occupy Boston Protest. Does not motivate seeing other issues are more important. However, someone did stop by and mentioned that my site looked pretty nice with the coloring. But, was not able to access my Jotform to sign up for my newsletter.

This  has since been fixed...

Saturday, October 22, 2011


If you couldn't tell from my Blog post and Facebook pages, I am involved with the Occupy movement. The onset of the movement was to my knowledge were like minded folks who wanted to rid this country of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. Who has been laying to us since the day it was allowed to be the bank of United States of America. The movement was also about; over hauling a very corrupt Wall Street. Both corporations over my life time have not been at all interested in the human values of or ethics pertaining to the US of A. Both the Federal Reserve and the Wall Street work insinc with each other each dealing with billion and trillions of the citizens money. This was a setup from design back on a holiday weekend in 1913 to control the nation's monetary policy, to address the problem of banking panics and with the help of President Wilson, The Federal Reserve act was born with wealthy bankers such as J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Aldrich's son-in-law. Most Republicans favored the Aldrich Plan, but it lacked enough support in Congress to pass because rural and western states viewed it as favoring the "eastern establishment". In contrast, progressive Democrats favored a reserve system owned and operated by the government; they believed that public ownership of the central bank would end Wall Street's control of the American currency supply. Conservative Democrats fought for a privately owned, yet decentralized, reserve system, which would still be free of Wall Street's control. The plan became the basis for the Federal Reserve Act, which was proposed by Senator Robert Owen in May 1913. The primary difference between the two bills was the transfer of control of the Board of Directors (called the Federal Open Market Committee in the Federal Reserve Act) to the government. The bill passed Congress on December 23, 1913, on a mostly partisan basis, with most Democrats voting "yea" and most Republicans voting "nay".

The Connection with Wall Street and The Federal reserve as you will see some familiar names that come up in all Giant corporation across the globe and for all I know this could be the universe too because , I am sure these family of Global Elites  may have or are inventing away to get out their

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Occupy Wall Street is well on its way! Some of the younger folk in the protests know something is wrong, but they don’t know exactly what, like alot of the woken up people do. What I don’t understand is, why are none of the names of the criminal elites on all the signs and posters that the protesters are carrying? The thing that the elite cabal fear the most is the knowledge that we know who they are personally…and total exposure is the only thing that will stop them! “End the Fed” is a great start, but it is still too benevolent. We should be carrying signs that show loudly and clearly that we know exactly who they are! That way they can’t hide behind the blanket term ‘BANKERS’. The signs should read things like “ROTHSCHILDS END YOUR RULE”, “ROTHSCHILDS SHOULD BE IN JAIL”, “ROCKEFELLERS ARE GENOCIDAL WAR CRIMINALS”, “KISSINGER WANTS 90% DEPOPULATION”, “QUEEN ELIZABETH & PRINCE CHARLES ARE DEPOPULATIONISTS”, “KRUPPS ARE KILLERS”, “ASTORS ARE BANKER THEIVES, “BUSH FAMILY ARE GENOCIDE PLOTTERS”, “BUFFET ENGINEERED ECONOMIC CRASH”, “GREENSPAN ENGINEERED ECONOMIC MELTDOWN”, “GLOBALISTS DEPOPULATE YOURSELVES…END YOUR RULE”, “MEROVINGIANS ARE THEIVES”, “WALDORFS ARE KILLERS”, “FREEMANS ARE CRIMINALS”, “CARNEGIES ARE CRIMINALS”, “SCHIFFS ARE BANKER CRIMINALS”, MONARCH FINANCIAL RULE ENDS NOW”, etc. Unless we expose the ROOT CAUSE of the problems and only talk about the important but lesser problems, the elite oligarchs are still there to do all these things to us again another day. The lesser problems will get rectified once the ruling elite are gone and honest people are elected to fix things properly. Always aim to take down the very top peak of the pyramid….or nothing will ever change. EXPOSE THEM!! If the whole world knows who they are, they can’t hide.
Each country that is protesting, needs to look up their countries ruling elite names, illuminati names, NWO names and get them on as many signs as possible and show the whole world who they are! If we focus on this one idea, they won’t be in power for much longer. Spread the word!! Don’t do this by yourself! This has to be done en masse….if only a few do this, they’ll be escorted away. But if tens of thousands do it at the same time, what are they going to do? Thay can’t get all of us. Strength in numbers!
There are many more North American criminal ruling elite families that need to be exposed;
and others….
EXPOSE THESE CRIMINAL RULERS!!!! They need to see their own names on tv.
Your fellow human being

Saturday, October 15, 2011


  As a civilized patron of The Occupy the Federal Reserve Movement. My question is What the Hell Happened. This movement was to be about; the people who wanted to turn the privet owned federal reserve inside side out so that the people who did not know or did not believe that this bank was owned by a private corporation would finally see the hardcore facts that bank was no more federal than Federal Express.
Somehow, The occupy Wall Street protests are obviously targeting Wall Street, the giant banks. The Occupy the Fed protests led by the oath keepers and other conservatives are targeting the Federal Reserve. While some are trying to weaken these two movements through a divide and conquer strategy, the truth is that they are two sides of the same coin. The corrupt, giant banks would never have gotten so big and powerful on their own. In a free market, the leaner banks with sounder business models would be growing, while the giants who made reckless speculative gambles would have gone bust.
It is the Federal Reserve, Treasury and Congress which have repeatedly bailed out the big banks, ensured they make money at taxpayer expense, exempted them from standard accounting and the criminal and fraud laws which govern the little guy, and encouraged them through moral hazard of becoming even more reckless. Indeed, the government made them big in the first place.
MIT economics professor and former IMF chief economist Simon Johnson points out today, the official White House position is that:
(1) The government created the mega-giants, and they are not the product of a free market competition 

(3) Giant banks are good for the economy.  

    And given that the 12 Federal reserve banks are private the giant banks have a huge amount of influence on what the Fed does. Indeed, the money-center banks in New York control the New York Fed, the most powerful Fed bank. Indeed, Jamie Dimon the head of JP Morgan Chase is a Director of the New York Fed. Any attempt by the left to say that the free market is all bad, and the government is all good is naive and counter productive. And any attempt by the right to say that we should leave the giant banks alone because that’s the free market are wrong. The Federal Reserve and the giant banks are part of single malignant, symbiotic relationship. Conservatives and liberals should unite in breaking up both. In reality, many conservatives and people who would like to end the Fed are part of the Wall Street protests and reining in the Fed is one of the central platforms of Occupy Wall Street.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Federal Reserve Chairman Herman Cain ALWAYS!

Refer to him as Federal Reserve Chairman Herman Cain. We effectively eliminated Rick Perry by getting out info about his Democrat roots and the HPV issue. We have a VERY large internet presence.
Here is what we need to do. The media always refer to Cain as businessman Herman Cain and I have run into many Tea Party people that didn't know Cain was a former KC Fed Reserve Chairman and that changes there mind.
In all correspondence and posts on the web in comments etc ALWAYS refer to him as Federal Reserve Chairman Herman Cain. It needs to start rolling off the tongue of people instead of businessman Herman Cain. I wouldn't worry about adding Kansas City. People will google it once they keep seeing it to confirm and they can read up on him.
So it is Federal Reserve Chairman Herman Cain.... I wouldn't shorten it to fed chairman as there are still many that won't know that is the same.
Thanks. Lets see how Federal Reserve Chairman Herman Cain reacts...

I put this on my Facebook today, the new Facebook format lets you put in plenty of information:
"Federal Reserve Chairman Herman Cain in this video confesses that he is a conspiracy theorist (a person who comes to conclusions about events without any facts), an elitist (raised in a way that gave him an advantage in life and condescending toward anyone who wasn't), and thinks that the financial problems in 2008 ended in 2008 and should not be linked to anything going on today. He also claims that failure is always the fault of the person that failed (unless your a banker and then he'll support bailing you out, as evidenced by his support of TARP: ). He also admits that he does not understand why anyone would protest over injustice, greed, and corruption apart from them being just jealous and anti-capitalist. Chairman Cain for President?"

End TheFederal Reserve Boston Rally

The National End the Fed contingent in Boston met at the Federal Reserve Bank in Boston yesterday. This site happens to be at the same site as Occupy Boston.
The Occupy Federal Reserve Boston group expressed concern that the national End the Fed rally was antagonistic toward Occupy, being promoted to co-opt Occupy, rather than coordinate with them. Therefore, Occupy Federal Reserve Boston publicly announced it's solidarity with Occupy Boston, and urges that other Occupy Federal Reserve groups join us in the solidarity. We seek non-partisan cooperation on the issues, to ensure maximum participation of the 99%. We seek to join forces to promote a common agenda that will pave the way for future joint action.
To commemorate our new found alliance, a member of Occupy Fed led a march through the streets of Boston, comprising of both Occupy Fed and Occupy Boston, and in the spirit of both movements. This march ended at the Federal Reserve Bank where we sat in protest and chanted anti Fed slogans. Had it been just Occupy Fed, such a march would have been anemic and unsuccessful, we almost decided to cancel our End the Fed march. But together we filled the streets and impeded traffic. The End the Fed message is amplified, not diminished by the Occupy movement.

If there is one issue that all of the Occupy Movement seems to agree on, it is on the issue of ending corporate persons. Ron Paul should appeal to the Occupy Movement by supporting a constitutional amendment that would abolish corporate persons by stating that "A Person is a Human, and only a Human". This would draw great support.
Friday is End the Fed. Occupy Boston is right next to the Federal Reserve Building, which is like the Tower of Sauron. Everyone talks about the Fed, and when they do, they point up at the building. It is completely visceral.This was a ver peaceful even more to come.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wisconsin Judge: No Right to Decide What to Eat Without Permission from State

Demonstrating his ignorance of core values enshrined in common law and what Judge Cooley defined as the “right to be left alone” from overly pernicious government interference, a Circuit Court judge in Wisconsin has ruled that people who consume raw milk have no right to do so.
In response to a request from the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund for clarification in a court case on the issue, Judge Patrick J. Fielder wrote that the “court is unwilling to declare that there is a fundamental right to consume the food of one’s choice without first being presented with significantly more developed arguments on both sides of the issue.”
According to Fielder, citizens must get permission from the state before deciding what they can or cannot eat or drink.
“Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow,” he decided, and added that “Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume the foods of their choice,” not without permission from government.
Fielder underscored his belief – and the belief of the state – that an individual must gain permission from government to consume food. He wrote that only “a license holder” can sell milk and the license holder “must do so in a way that complies with the laws of Wisconsin.”

Mike Adams of Natural News talks about the war against raw milk and cheese.

The nanny state in Wisconsin mandated that an individual does not have a right to consume raw milk after the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection said individuals in the state tested positive for campylobacter jejuni, a bacterial infection, they claimed was linked to consumption of unpasteurized milk.
In response, Senate Bill 108 was introduced. It would “legalize the sale of raw milk, decriminalize innocent farmers, and allow consumers to buy the milk they choose,” explains Wisconsin Campaign for Liberty.
Fielder’s response to the argument that food consumption is a personal choice outside the purview of government represents the troubling and growing mindset of bureaucrats and politicians who believe the state has an overriding interest in individual decisions, no matter how mundane.
Recent legal action by local government around the country highlight this. In Michigan, a woman faced 93 days in jail for the crime of growing a vegetable garden on her property. After a court threw the absurd charges out, vindictive local officials came back and attempted to renew an earlier charge against the woman for having unlicensed dogs.
City bureaucrats have gone to extraordinary lengths to make sure residents – more akin these days to subjects and vassals – are not allowed to grow their own food.
In Oklahoma in 2009, a city councilman said during debate on outlawing community gardens: “How do we know what people are going to be growing? Vegetables? Maybe. Or, maybe something else,” he said. “Is there going to be someone that inspects what is growing?” Tulsa city council bureaucrat Jack Henderson alluded to residents growing marijuana in order to make his argument that the city should inspect gardens.
Running afoul of state and its wilderness of rules and regulations is now drearily common, if not outrageous. In August, police shut down a lemonade stand operated by a 4-year old in Coralville, Iowa, because the girl did not apply for a health inspection and pay for a permit.
Massachusetts followed suit when state police closed down a green-tea stand operated by a 12-year old.

Woman fined $500 for allowing her kids to run a lemonade stand.
The inexplicable and growing effort by cities and states to close down lemonade stands is a growing phenomenon that demonstrates the determination of over-bearing government to regulate – and license and revenue-generate – all aspects of daily life, even the most mundane and harmless.
Fielder’s assertion that citizen-vassals do not have a fundamental right to decide what they consume without first gaining permission from an over-bearing government is a strike against the core values of liberty and self-reliance enshrined in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.